We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities at St. David’s to enhance children’s learning. Most of these are run by members of staff with others being provided by professional coaches. Clubs have a small cost per session which can be paid for using Parent Pay.
Clubs take place after school and finish at 16:15. Clubs change three times a year. A letter will be sent at the start of each term but here is an overview of clubs that take place.

Autumn: Cross Country, Football, Science, Lego, Badminton
Spring: Tag Rugby, Football, Dodgeball, Netball, Yoga, Playground Games, Board Games, Curling
Summer: Rounders, Cricket, Spanish, Forest School, Athletics, Eco Club
If you have further questions regarding clubs please do not hesitate to contact school. We are always looking for new and exciting clubs to offer our children.