In Year 2 children begin to move from phonics into spelling. We follow Little Wandle Spelling which is a 20 week spelling programme covering all of the Year 2 National Curriculum requirements. Please see the overview below. For children who are not yet working at age related by the end of Year 1 they will complete the Rapid Catch up Programme to ensure they quickly catch up with their peers.

Key Stage Two
The National Curriculum requires spelling patterns to be taught. There is also a list of statutory words for years 3/4 and 5/6. In Key Stage 2 we follow Purple Mash to ensure our curriculum coverage. Children will start this programme when they have completed the 20 week unit from Little Wandle and the assessment has taken place. The focus is on the pattern, not the set words. Teaching learners spelling patterns rather than a list of words enables them to be effective spellers as they can apply this knowledge to new words or situations.