This section shows what the children have achieved at the end of each Key Stage as well as the Y1 Phonic Check and Multiplication Tables Check
Early Years Foundation Stage
At the end of Year R, the children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals to see if they are at the expected standard. The judgments are moderated by other schools and the Local Authority to ensure that the evidence supports the judgment. If the children reach the expectations in specific key areas of learning, they are said to have reached a Good Level of Development (GLD).
Year One Phonics Screening Check
Phonics is the reading (decoding) and spelling (blending) of the sounds. The Phonic screening is a test that asks the children to read 40 words, both real and nonsense. The screening takes place in Year 1.
If a child does not reach the required threshold in the check, usually 32 marks out of 40, they are required to re-sit the check at the end of Year 2.
End of Key Stage Two
At the end of Year 6, all children in the country take these tests which assess if the children are at the ‘Expected Standard’ in Reading, Writing, Maths, and GPS. The tests are formal papers taken by the children over a week. The papers are then sent away to be externally marked.
The tests are in Reading, Maths and GPS. Writing is assessed through Teacher Moderation which is internally and externally moderated.
The results of the pupils show various levels of information, such as the number who are at the Expected Standard, those exceeding this, the Average Point Score of the children and the Progress the children make.