Inclusion & SEND

At St. David’s C of E Primary School, we ensure that all children are valued equally, regardless of their abilities and/or social, emotional needs. We understand that many pupils may have special educational needs at some time during their school life and that the best way of helping them is for everyone involved to work together. We are committed to valuing and nurturing each child as an individual who will achieve their best and develop an enthusiasm for lifelong learning. 

We want all our children and young people, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), to achieve the best possible outcomes and receive the support they need when they need it most. Using the Graduated Pathway of Early Help and Support approach, enables practitioners to work with children, young people and their families ensuring they receive the right support. 

We believe in developing a strong partnership with parents to meet the needs of their children and regularly inform them of their child’s progress, next steps and how they can help at home. At St. David’s we use a range of support services e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology, School Nurse, Occupational Therapy and Advisory Teaching Service. 

At St. David’s Primary School, the SENDCo, Cat Henderson oversees the provision for pupils with SEND in the school.  

For more information or to contact us about a SEND concern, please email