Moreton Play Space (MPS) is our wrap-around care provision, it operates during the following times.
Breakfast Club Opening Times:
Breakfast Club session costs £4.30 per session per child
After School Club Opening Times:
Session 1 15:15-16:30
Session 1 costs £6.40 per session per child
Session 2 15:15-18:00
Session 2 costs £12.80 per session per child.
During the sessions, the children experience a variety of activities both inside and outside. Session 2 also has a snack to keep the children going until they are collected.
MPS is booked and paid for using the following link, which parents have to register with.
Please note that the the timings for this provision are different for the last day of the Christmas, Easter, and Summer Terms.
If you have any further questions please contact:
Mrs Jones (MPS Manager)
Mobile Number for MPS: 07725556837