Transition from Year 6 to Secondary School
At St. David’s, we understand that transitioning to secondary school is a significant milestone for our children. They are leaving the familiar setting where they have spent seven years, and moving to a much larger environment where they will be among the youngest students. To support your child during this important transition, we will conduct a variety of activities throughout Year 6. These activities are designed to prepare your child for secondary school by focusing on the following skills:
- Independence
- Organisation
- Responsible Citizenship
- Resilience
- Self-Sufficiency
- Being a ‘Ready’ Learner
In addition to the transition days organised by the secondary schools, we can arrange extra visits if we or you believe it would be beneficial. Our goal is to ensure that every child feels confident and prepared for their next educational journey. Please contact us at any point if you are worried about any aspect of the Year 6 transition.
Useful resources for parents:
Supporting school transitions | Resources | YoungMinds
Transition to Secondary School : Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning (